Submissions are invited for the International Conference on Advent Trends in Engineering, Science and Technology (ICATEST-2025). This is an exceptional platform for researchers, academics, students, innovators, scientists, and industry practitioners to discuss current research shaping a new world society.
Submit papers via EasyChair Submission System before May 5, 2025.
Simultaneous submissions to other conferences/journals are not allowed. Maximum 5 authors per paper are allowed
The ICATEST 2025 conference review process follows a double-blind review. The plagiarism check committee initially verifies the submitted paper for plagiarism using the iThenticate plagiarism detection tool. A maximum of 20% similarity with proper citations is permitted before initiating the review process.
Each paper will be reviewed by a minimum of three reviewers, all of whom are subject experts.
Review Decisions:
Re-submit with modifications
Review Criteria:
The paper should be clear, well-organized, and logically structured. Factual information must be correct and up-to-date, with credible sources cited. The content should offer meaningful insights, show a deep understanding of the topic, and be original.
ICATEST-2025 invites original contributions on topics including, but not limited to:
- Computational and artificial intelligence
- Communications technology
- Computers and information processing
- Engineering – general
- Engineering in medicine and biology
- Engineering management
- Geoscience and remote sensing
- Imaging
- Industrial electronics
- Industry applications
- Information theory
- Instrumentation and measurement
- Intelligent transportation systems
- Lasers and electrooptics
- Materials science and technology
- Materials, elements, and compounds
- Mathematics
- Microwave theory and techniques
- Nanotechnology
- Nuclear and plasma sciences
- Oceanic engineering and marine technology
- Power electronics
- Power engineering and energy
- Professional communication
- Robotics and automation
- Science – general
- Social implications of technology
- Solid state circuits
- Systems engineering and theory
- Systems, man, and cybernetics