Peer Review Policy

The ICATEST-2025 conference review process follows a double-blind review. The plagiarism check committee initially verifies the submitted paper for plagiarism using the iThenticate plagiarism detection tool. A maximum of 20% similarity with proper citations is permitted before initiating the review process.

Each paper will be reviewed by a minimum of three reviewers, all of whom are subject experts. A maximum of 5 papers will be assigned to a single reviewer.

The papers will be selected on the basis of technical quality, relevance to theme of the conference, originality, significance, and clarity which will undergo double blind peer review process shall be considered for publication in the conference proceedings. The review process will be organized by a strong team of both national and international technical committee members having specialized field of domains.

The following is the acceptance criteria for papers in the 4th International Conference on Advent Trends in Engineering, Science and Technology (ICATEST-2025):

The paper’s relevance to the conference’s themes: The authors have to make sure that the paper should relate to the conference’s core themes or any other works within scope of conference domains. Ideally, the paper should address the issues, the works, or the advancements in these areas.

Originality and Innovation: The submissions have to be completely original works that are not published or under review elsewhere. Moreover, submissions must present some novel ideas, methods, or applications within their domains.

Technical Depth and Contribution: The paper must present some technical in-depth work and also some substantial contribution to the field, such as the proposed methods, frameworks, systems must be well-delineated and it should advance or improve the existing work.

Methodology and Validation: The research methodology must be very robust and well described, and it should be suitable for the study, and the research results must be verified.

Clarity of Presentation: The paper should be very well structured with a good introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussions, and a conclusion. It should be very well-written with minimum grammatical errors and it should be comprehensible to the conference’s target audience.

Ethical Consideration: It must consider the Ethical considerations, especially for sensitive topics such as AI, healthcare, and data privacy, etc., and it should follow the Ethical guidelines, for example, providing good citation and not writing a biased report.

Comprehensive literature: It should contain a comprehensive literature survey and find the gaps in the existing literature and how the proposed work is filling those gaps and has to have proper citation and references as per conference template.

Quality of result and analysis: The quality of the result has to be provided with different graphs, charts, tables, or visual tools to present the results. The analysis has to be done efficiently to give more insights from the result and also state the limitations using the result.

Submission guidelines: As the final process, all the submissions must adhere to the conference’s submission guidelines related to the page limit, font style, and other requiring things and also should be submitted within the deadline specified.

To ensure the ethical quality of the submission, the reviewer follows the below criteria:

Originality: Paper must be original, and not plagiarised. All references should cite correctly and properly.

Ethical Practice: Transparency related to the collection, use, and sharing of data. The author must disclose any potential conflict of interest.

Data Integrity: Authors need to ensure the integrity of their data and methods. The paper should have accurate, reliable, unmanipulated data.

Acknowledgment: Authors should be acknowledged, and credit should be given to funding sources, institutions or individuals, etc.

Disclosure of Funding and Conflicts of Interest: The author must disclose any funding sources, and any financial or nonfinancial conflict of interest.

Compliance with Conference Policies: Authors should follow conference policies. In the event of substantial ethical concerns, author agreement to publish corrections or retractions.

Reviewers will give Suggestions in three parts::

a. Mandatory changes / corrections

b. Possible modifications for betterment

c. Suggestions for extending the work in future (for implementing while submitting in journal special issues of the conference)

Role of the reviewers will comprise:

1. Strict and rigorous review process for papers received.

2. Peer reviewers will identify and point out gaps in concern paper which require explanation or additional work or validation.

3. Valid suggestions for authors of contributed papers for further improvement.

4. Compromise will not be entertained in consideration or acceptance of paper.

5. Papers will be rigorously evaluated based on novelty, significance, clarity, relevance, and repeatability.